Joevin's 21st Birthday.
5:45 PMCurrent Music: I could be the one by Avicii vs. Nicky Romero
Good afternoon! It's Thursday and I've actually made an appointment with the hair stylist. But unfortunately, I have to cancel it because I got no car. This is crazy, I just can't wait for my dad to get me a car. Transport has always been a problem for me, and I'm getting sick of it. That ughhhh feelings! *laughs* Anyway, my results will be out real soon. While waiting for my results, I am here to blog again *laughs*
To be honest, I'm quite nervous right now and blogging is the only thing that keeps me busy and not to think about it. I failed my final papers on previous semester, and I have to re-sit for it. It was very time-consuming, and I hated it. Besides that, the lecturer repeated the same thing over and over again, teaching the same old thing again and again. Let's just hope for the best, I don't want to re-take the same subjects again. It's not cheap, RM300 per paper. Imagine that!
I attended Joevin's birthday party the day after Arthur's Day. Most of my friends can't make it, some are having exams, some are in other states and some just couldn't make it *laughs*. It was fun, I like the decorations and the photo booth :D His cousin, Jeyna came up with the ideas and they are very creative! She did a great job, I must say. Pssssss, that's where I got my inspirations from :P
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