THE GRIM FILM : Long Distance Relationship
4:54 PM
Just wanna share a video to all my friends :)
It's so sad that some people used "LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP" as an excuse to end everything, but it is just a lie. NEVER EVER use LDR as an excuse because long distance relationship does exists. It needs more double, triple the effort to make it work, compare to close-by relationships. And I do believe in long distance relationship. I always do.
To those who are too and are doubtful, have faith and be strong. If you truly believe in each other, the distance may prove difficult but won't be an excuse to end things. If it's meant to be, it will last.-quoted
All credits go to THE GRIM FILM :) The videos they made are touching, I love their videos. You can check them out. MALAYSIANS ftw!
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