Bad news.

11:16 PM

Current Music : Marchin on by Timbaland ft One Republic

Bad news. Yeah, there are always bad news for me.
(Oh maaan, I need some alcoholic drinks now)

Mum really did made her decisions now, she will be sending me to Methodist College. (Nooooooooo! seriously FML), taking AUSMAT too =-/ Ughhh.


It seems like HELP UC will be a better choice for me to continue my degree studies, compare to TUC =(


Mum expect me to come back to this shit place, Seremban instead of renting a house in KL?! *smack head and bang head*

I don't know what to do if my SPM results turn out to be a piece of crap =.= FML

Can't wait to go to college (for some reasons..) and meet new friends. This time, I seriously won't drag myself to FORM 6, definitely NO NO NO! Even though I have no choice, I won't go for FORM 6 also =-/ 

p/s: Ei, Wasabi, I will post the Genting trip part 2, but not now as I'm seriously BUSY with my COLLEGE stuffs =.= Be patient!

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